Mission: Tanzania | Tom & Jean Marie Edwards & Team
Country Coordinator: Tom & Jean Marie Edwards
Country Coordinator: Tom & Jean Marie Edwards
Speaker: Peter Herbeck Event Details: https://www.abqccc.org/swccc-2022 1 Peter 2:24: “By His wounds, we are healed” An uplifting and encouraging conference presented by the Catholic Charismatic Center in Albuquerque, NM, this […]
*This event is closed to the public. Speaker: Ralph Martin
Speaker: Ralph Martin Event Details: Event description
Speaker: Dr. Mary Healy Event Description: "Encounter Christ in His Word. Even though we read Scripture every Sunday at Mass, we can always come to a deeper understanding of God’s […]
Country Coordinator: Lloyd & Nancy Greenhaw
*These courses are closed to the public. Speaker: Ralph Martin
Speaker: Dr. Mary Healy "Live the Gospel with joy and hope. During these trying times, God wants to give us bold and confident hearts to share his truth and love […]
Country Coordinator: Emmanuel Tamakloe
*This event is closed to the public. Speaker: Ralph Martin "The purpose of the Fraternity of Priests is to give priests the vision, the ongoing formation and the support to respond […]
Speaker: Dr. Mary Healy Healing, Deliverance, Evangelization Conference Event Details: mnehealing.org/deliverance-ministry-training-registration-8-4-2022
Speaker: Dr. Mary Healy Midwest Catholic Family Conference Event Details: catholicfamilyconference.org