Stand and Take Heart

Stand and Take Heart

You are the light of the world, a light in the darkness. If we’re not standing on the Word of God and living confidently as his children, our light can go dim. Doesn’t it seem like the light of the Church is going dim at an intense hour of combat? We are called to be...
Lift Jesus Higher Rally Helps Many ‘Take Heart’

Lift Jesus Higher Rally Helps Many ‘Take Heart’

We recently gathered in Toronto with a nearly sold-out crowd of over 2600 adults and nine-hundred youth for the Lift Jesus Higher Rally in Toronto. The theme was Take Heart! from the story of the blind man Bartimaeus in Mark 10. The attendees were grateful for the...
Transforming Lives in Uganda

Transforming Lives in Uganda

I joined the Catholic Charismatic Renewal when I was eighteen. In those days, there were only a couple of prayer groups in the country, so we did not have mentors. But then, a missionary priest gave one of our leaders an address for Renewal Ministries. He wrote to...
Awake, Not Woke

Awake, Not Woke

What is the woke movement, and how we can counteract it? The movement harms people in various ways, so we need various approaches in our response. Some people are truly victims. They have been given some poison of ideology that has harmed and wounded them, and they...
A Spirit-Led Encounter

A Spirit-Led Encounter

This article is condensed from one originally published by the Archdiocese of Detroit.  The powerful Spirit-led encounter between Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:27-35 gives us a roadmap for unleashing the Gospel during this season of Eucharistic revival! Here are...