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Ralph considers the important role that silence plays in our relationship with the Lord. He recommends a book called “Holy Silence” to help increase this virtue in our lives. This video complements another recent video, "The Case for Loud," in which Ralph considered how Sacred Scripture exhorts us to full-hearted praise and worship and making a joyful noise to the Lord—and how we also should be open to this dimension in our response to God.

Watch "The Case for Loud":

For a copy of "Fulfillment of All Desire" visit

For a copy of "Holy Silence" visit

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A few months ago Ralph published a video, "The Case for Loud," where he considered how frequently in Sacred Scripture we are exhorted to full-hearted praise and worship, making a joyful noise to the Lord, playing loudly on our instruments, and how we should be open to this dimension of our response to God. This week, Ralph considers the equally important role that quiet and silence play in our relationship with the Lord. He recommends a book called “Holy Silence” that is a great resource for growing in silence in our life.

Watch "The Case for Loud":

For a copy of "Fulfillment of All Desire" visit

For a copy of "Holy Silence" visit

Renewal Ministries is dedicated to fostering renewal and evangelization in the Catholic Church by helping people know the personal love of God in Jesus and grow in holiness. Stay connected with us to receive more compelling content that strives to help you walk more closely with the Lord!
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