Bishop Emeritus Carl Mengeling

Bishop Emeritus Carl Mengeling | Diocese of Lansing, MI

I am happy to introduce Renewal Ministries and recommend Ralph Martin, Sr. Ann Shields and Peter Herbeck as members in good standing of this diocese.

Renewal Ministries is composed of people who are faithful to the teaching magisterium of the Church and are committed to the “new evangelization” proposed by our Holy Father [St. Pope John Paul II]. They have proved to be effective communicators of the Word in the United States and internationally.

They have my endorsement and blessing.

Bishop Earl Boyea

Bishop Earl Boyea | Diocese of Lansing, MI

“The persons and work of the leadership team of Renewal Ministries, Peter Herbeck, Ralph Martin and Sr. Ann Shields, SGL, are well known to me. They serve as credible witnesses to the love of Christ through their teaching and writing. They are Catholics residing in the Diocese of Lansing. Renewal Ministries is an organization that carries out impressive work of evangelization throughout the world.”

Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius

Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius, SJ | Archdiocese of Kaunas, Lithuania

“It is my pleasure to introduce to you the team and service of Renewal Ministries, Inc., of Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.

Renewal Ministries has provided solid, effective, and faithful support here in Lithuania since 1992, in the work of the New Evangelization as proposed by His Holiness John Paul II. Through successful national conferences, the work of voluntary personnel, and ongoing financial assistance, they have consistently contributed a high quality of teaching and ministry to the Catholic Church in our country. They have proved to be dedicated servants in the advancement of the Gospel and have become our trustworthy friends.”

I commend them to you with my blessing.”

Bishop Emeritus Sam Jacobs

Bishop Emeritus Sam Jacobs | Diocese of Alexandria, LA

“I have known Ralph Martin for over [forty] years. I have been a member of the board of directors for Renewal Ministry for [over twenty] years. I am well aware of the excellent ministry they have provided all over the world, sharing the Good News of God’s love with as many people as possible. Many fruits have been born through this ministry.

The message they share is the basic Gospel message. The witness they give is of a life dedicated to the work of the Lord. The desire they have is that more and more people will experience the full life of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

I believe that you will be pleased with their ministry in your archdiocese and will ask them to come back again. They are truly humble servants who have a heart for evangelization.

May the Lord continue to bless you in your apostolic ministries.”

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