Lavinia Spirito is the founding team teaching leader for Catholic Way Bible Study, currently distributed in forty US states and internationally.
Though she grew up in Rome, Italy, Lavinia received her BA in Anthropology and Spanish from the University of Michigan; obtained her JD from The University of Kentucky College of Law; and has earned a Masters in Theology from The Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado.
She is also adjunct lecturer for the Saint Meinrad Permanent Deacon Formation Program.
She prepares and delivers all the lectures for Catholic Way Bible Study, an in-depth study of the Scriptures as applied to daily life. She travels and speaks nationally and internationally giving retreats, priest retreats, conferences, parish missions, and days of reflection. CWBS’s five-part TV series on The Gospels can be seen on EWTN.
She is co-host of Real Living and Unpacking the Gospel, two weekly radio programs on relevant issues facing today’s Catholics, and also makes guest appearances, blogs, and writes articles for various websites.
She has led and participated in catechist and deacon formation, RCIA, adult education, and CCD. Lavinia is active in parish renewal and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US and Italy.
She and her husband, Michael, live in Lexington, Kentucky, and have two adult daughters.
» Lavinia serves as a Missionary Teacher on our international missions.
Programs/Topics Include:
- Understanding Mercy
- Marriage and Family Life
- Scripture Study Training
- Discipleship and Prayer
- Interacting with the Culture; Catholics in the Public Square
- Catholic Devotion
- Spiritual Gifts/Charisms
- Women and Personal Holiness
- Catholic Magisterial Teaching
“Lavinia Spirito employs her passion for the Word of God and her scholarly expertise to open the Word of God and help the ordinary believer connect this Word to his or her daily life.”
~ Most Reverend John Stowe, OFM Conv., Bishop of Lexington, Kentucky
“Lavinia Spirito engages her listeners’ heads and hearts with the Biblical truths that further our continuing faith formation, evangelization and community building.”
~ Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
“Lavinia Spirito does a truly excellent job in unfolding the great wealth of God’s Word in ways that ordinary people can understand, but nevertheless is true to the Word’s challenge. The program unpacks the Scriptures in a way that is useful and inspiring. I recommend this for everyone!”
~ Ralph Martin, S.T.D., Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit
“Years of laboring ‘in the trenches’ teaching Catholic Bible studies has equipped Lavinia with a unique talent to make a wealth of life-changing information accessible to anyone who hungers to know the Word of God.”
~ Peter Herbeck, Director of Missions, Renewal Ministries, Ann Arbor Michigan
“Lavinia Spirito does her homework! With all the skill and tenacity of a highly-trained lawyer researching a case, Lavinia examines the text and historical background of the Bible, interprets it accurately, and applies it to life today. She fulfills, and helps others fulfill, St. Paul’s words: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). Catholic Way Bible Study belongs to a new wave of Catholic initiatives to restore the Word of God to the center of Catholic life. I highly recommend this program!”
~ Dr. Peter S. Williamson, S.T.D., Adam Cardinal, Maida Chair in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, General Editor, Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture