Robert Shiley
Toronto, Ontario
A “cradle Catholic,” Bob grew up in downstate Illinois before moving to Chicago, and ultimately, to Toronto. He attended the University of Toronto for his undergraduate degree and received his MBA from the University of Chicago.
His walk with the Lord deepened immensely after hearing Ralph Martin at the 1972 Charismatic Conference at Notre Dame; and he and his wife, Anne, were extremely blessed to join FIRE IN ROME pilgrimage in 1995.
He has been involved in the planning for the annual Lift Jesus Higher Rally since 2006, and is an active parishioner at St. Gregory’s Church in Toronto where, along with Anne, he is a lector, lay Eucharistic minister, and heads up the parish’s outreach to the Good Shepherd Refuge.
He was a production planning manager at Baxter and at National Rubber with two terms at each company. Since 1990, he has been an executive recruiter at Brethet, Barnum and Associates focusing on life sciences sales and marketing opportunities.
He joined the Canadian Renewal Ministries Board in January of 2019.