The Fire Place Advent Revival (Virtual Event) | Dr. Mary Healy

Speaker:Dr. Mary HealyEvent Details: becomerevival.comWE'RE CHAMPIONING THE CULTURE OF REVIVAL AND HEALING IN YOUR LIFE!Does God heal today? Can healing catalyze Revival in our cities? Does it make sense to partner with healing and Revival?JOIN US DEC. 19TH as we unpack best-practices that bring about a culture of Revival and healing in our lives. The […]

Chicago, IL | Debbie Herbeck | Blessed Is She Revival Nights

Notre Dame Catholic Church 64 Norfolk Ave., Clarendon Hills, IL, United States

Speaker: Debbie Herbeck In movement with the Holy Spirit, Blessed Is She so excited to bring you RISE Revivals: a night of worship, adoration, a talk, and prayer. Advance registration is required. For registration & event details: