We Win by Not Giving Up

We Win by Not Giving Up

Over the past few months, the entire Renewal Ministries’ team has been profoundly encouraged by your support. We’re greatly blessed to be surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses that partners with us in mission through prayer, words of encouragement, the sharing of...
Oh, Canada: Grateful for Opportunities to Serve

Oh, Canada: Grateful for Opportunities to Serve

Dear Friends,  I want to write this month about the blessed opportunities we have had to serve our Canadian brothers and sisters for so many years now and all the interconnecting relationships we have there that work for the kingdom.   Way back in the early 1980s, the...
The Rebellion of the Creature Against the Creator

The Rebellion of the Creature Against the Creator

When the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement burst onto the scene, many people of goodwill, including myself, initially expressed support for its efforts to fight racism. Nevertheless, we quickly learned that BLM’s mission extended far beyond overcoming racism.  Reading...
The Radical Nature of Our Catholic Faith

The Radical Nature of Our Catholic Faith

Bishop Juan Hervas, a founder of the Cursillo Movement, said one significant thing weakening the Catholic Church today is a minimalist interpretation of the Gospel: It asks from people less than Jesus asks and offers to people less than Jesus offers. That’s not the...