The Rebellion of the Creature Against the Creator

The Rebellion of the Creature Against the Creator

When the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement burst onto the scene, many people of goodwill, including myself, initially expressed support for its efforts to fight racism. Nevertheless, we quickly learned that BLM’s mission extended far beyond overcoming racism.  Reading...
The Radical Nature of Our Catholic Faith

The Radical Nature of Our Catholic Faith

Bishop Juan Hervas, a founder of the Cursillo Movement, said one significant thing weakening the Catholic Church today is a minimalist interpretation of the Gospel: It asks from people less than Jesus asks and offers to people less than Jesus offers. That’s not the...
Serving the Priests and People of Australia

Serving the Priests and People of Australia

Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Unexpectedly, this year has become my busiest ever, and this fall particularly so. I try to discern carefully what I can and should do and what I can’t and shouldn’t do. Sometimes, the calendar itself decides, but often not. And when I’m...
Advent: A Time to Prepare!

Advent: A Time to Prepare!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Advent begins soon—preparation for the great feast of Christmas. It’s time to anticipate the Savior’s coming. Let’s look at our priorities. What most takes our attention, time, and effort? Good things that lead to God or things that...