Ghana, Africa, Mission Report

by | Mar 14, 2022

In 2021 Renewal Ministries held two separate missions in Ghana, Africa. The first mission, Renewal Ministries Ghana Mission I: BAHSE Phase II, was held in both northern and southern Ghana. The second mission, Renewal Ministries Ghana Mission III, was held in May-June in the Obuasi and the Wa Dioceses of Ghana. 


About 125 total participants attended the first mission to Ghana in 2021. On January 29-31, sixty participants gathered in the Youth Center in Tamale in the north of Ghana. On February 19-20, 2021, sixty-five participants gathered at the Adom Fie (House of Grace) in Kumasi on the south. The Mission was led by Emmanuel Tomakloe and included team members Lazarus Avonsige, Sebastian Sogberi, and Enoch Kosoe

BAHSE stands for “Basic and High Schools Evangelization” and is a program that focuses on bringing the Gospel message to students attending Ghana’s basic schools (nine years combined of primary and middle school) and senior high schools (three years of secondary school).

In both regions, the Mission started in the evening of the first day with opening prayer, praise and worship music, and an introductory talk. The second day of the Mission began with Mass and was followed by several talks given by the Renewal Ministries team on the theme of evangelization. 

On the third day of the Mission, the Renewal Ministries’ team visited a few local boarding high schools to get a practical feel for the schools and the students. The Mission concluded with the celebration of Mass and time for the team members to share their experiences before departing.

Testimonies from participants of Renewal Ministries Ghana Mission I: BAHSE Phase II 

Rev. Sr. Rose Ndianefo: “Through the teaching, I see the need to focus more on Jesus, pray for myself, and pray for our ladies to be strengthened for the work of evangelization on campus especially reaching out to the high school students.” 

Jennifer Ayinpoka Akolgo: “I was inspired mostly by two topics; prayerlessness and having a new thinking. I realized the need to pray for prostitutes because anytime I see them, my heart is moved toward them, and I want to deepen my prayer for them even if l can’t share the Gospel with them.”

Jonathan Wematu Baabugi: “I learned a lot from this program, especially about becoming an intentional disciple.”


The second mission to Ghana in 2021 was known as the Renewal Ministries 2021 Ghana Mission III. It was conducted in the Obuasi Diocese from May 6-9, and in the Wa Diocese from May 30-June 6. The Renewal Ministries team also gave a one-day retreat to an order of religious sisters during this time. 

Obuasi Diocese

By the invitation of Bishop John Yaw Afoakwa, the Renewal Ministries team went to the Obuasi Diocese Ghana to train and equip catechists and other lay leaders in the task of evangelization. The six-member team was made up of Emmanuel Tamakloe, Sebastian Sogberi, Athanasius Amuzu, Yaw Boateng, and Noel Domah. Sixty participants attended the program, which was held from May 6-9, at Pope John Paul Retreat Center, Obuasi.

The Mission began with Mass which was followed by the talks given by the Renewal Ministries team. The team also led the assembly in a time of prayer and intercession, and many people received a variety of gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

In the afternoon of the second day, the local ordinary of Obuasi Diocese, the Most Rev. John Yaw Afoakwa, attended the Mission and expressed his appreciation for the team: 

“We thank God for the opportunity He has given us to sit at his feet and to learn from Him. The work of evangelization has been on my heart for the past six years. Through the help and support of Renewal Ministries, we embark on this mission. The work of evangelization is the call and task of every Christian.”

 A Retreat for the Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity (FST)

Thirty-five FST religious sisters joined the Renewal Ministries team for a one-day retreat on Saturday, May 22. The team gave three talks on the practical steps of evangelization: “Evangelization Our Call Our Mission,” “Proclaiming the Basic Message of the Gospel,” and “Sharing your Story (Testimony).”

Wa Diocese – Parish Mission

The Renewal Ministries team arrived in the Wa Diocese on Sunday, May 30, 2021, to give a three-day parish mission. The program took place at the St. Cecilia Catholic Church, and the theme was “Freed in Christ to Go and Make Disciples of all Nations.” Each day of the mission began with prayer and praise and worship and ended with prayer ministry. 

The parish mission concluded with a talk titled “Evangelizing the Family and Household.” Listeners were encouraged to understand that family evangelization is usually a marathon, not a sprint. Three practical tips were given on evangelizing one’s family: 1) Realize that God wants to save your family members. 2) Let your life speak volumes about Christ. 3) Allow the Holy Spirit to help you.

Wa Diocese – Tamu Program

After the parish mission at St. Cecilia’s, the Renewal Ministries team drove six hours to Tamu. The program in Tamu began with a word of welcome and continued with four talks given by the team explaining the Biblical importance of evangelization. The team and the attendees embarked on three hours of street and door-to-door evangelization as a part of the program. Afterward, they gathered to share their experiences and pray. A Mass of thanksgiving and commissioning was led by the Dean of the Tumu Deanery, the Very Rev. Fr. Tang, who represented the Bishop, expressed his gratitude to the team for coming to the Wa Diocese.

Sincere Gratitude from the Missionaries in Ghana

Emmanuel Tamakloe summed up the 2021 missions in Ghana by saying, “Evangelization is not an optional add-on. It is at the very heart of what it means to be Catholic followers of the Lord. We want to express our sincere appreciation to Renewal Ministries for allowing us to share in the mission of Christ and his Church by serving the people of Ghana. We know that words cannot express how grateful we are for your support. May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus bless you abundantly.”

About the Author

<a href="" target="_self">Heidi Bratton</a>

Heidi Bratton

Heidi Bratton is a past Renewal Ministries' editor. She is an author, professional photographer, speaker, and educator who is passionate about communicating the Gospel through excellent storytelling. Her diverse background includes over twenty-five years of experience in Catholic publishing, visual storytelling, print and digital media, and Catholic education. Heidi and her husband, John, have six children, three children-in-law, and an ever-growing number of grandchildren.


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