

Lithuania is Renewal Ministries’ first official mission country. In 1992, Renewal Ministries and the FIRE (Faith, Intercession, Repentance, and Evangelization) team conducted its first rally in Lithuania, for one-thousand participants. A year later, the team returned, and more than 9,000 people attended, including three bishops. In an effort to receive further evangelistic training, several young adults from Lithuania even spent a year in Ann Arbor with Renewal Ministries.

Renewal Ministries currently supports several ministries within Lithuania, including Catholic Voices, the Living Stones Community, and Student Outreach at Vytautus Magnus University. Peter Herbeck, Dr. Peter Williamson, and others periodically visit to teach and support evangelistic programs, as well as to offer prayer ministry to those in leadership.

Latest Field Report

Lithuania Field Report 2015

There was a pilgrimage walk with over 400 pilgrims setting out on a 150 mile walk over an eight day period.

Field Reports

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Country Coordinator

Bohumir Zivcak, PhD

Bohumir Zivcak, PhD

kenya kazakhstan   lithuania turkmenistan

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