The following was taken from a letter written by Peter Williamson in response to a talk by Sr. Ann Shields given June 3, 2018. (If you click the link to listen to the talk, we recommend jumping over the first two minutes.)

Wasn’t it great to hear Sr. Ann Shields speak to us about intercession last Sunday? If you missed, I highly recommend you listen to her talk.

Two things have stayed with me from Sr. Ann’s talk. First, the illustration she drew from Andrew Murray about the grapevine that produced more grapes than all the other vines in the vineyard because of its extraordinarily deep and long root system that extended to the Thames river. We too can bear much fruit if we sink our roots deep in intimacy with Christ and drink deeply of the living water that he supplies.

The second thing that struck me was the importance of praying and living according to God’s will, rather than our own. We need to ask the Lord to show us how to pray, and we need to be willing to surrender out time and preferences and will to him.

So here’s my prayer for us individually and as a community!

Lord, help us to sink our roots deep into you. Help us to pray at all times in the Holy Spirit. Help us to slow down and listen to you. And help us to pray with great faith, according to your will and purpose.

In particular, Lord, we pray for miracles. We pray that you reveal your power to the sick among us, to those among our family and friends who have wandered from you and need conversion. Do whatever it takes to turn them back to you and the path of life!

Reveal yourself also to our neighbors and co-workers and those in the city and country where we live, and for the whole world. Your love extends to all; save those most in need of your mercy! . . . Let us Christians be radiant with your light and love. Work signs and wonders that will show those around us who you really are!

Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer!