Let’s thank God!
It’s been an amazing year with so many opportunities to help people come closer to Christ or come to Him for the first time.
We carried out thirty-five separate missions this year to twenty-five different countries, where we were able to help thousands of people in myriad ways, including conversion, healing, deliverance, becoming missionary disciples, and saying yes to the call to holiness!
I was personally involved in three of our major efforts in Brazil, Uganda, and Ukraine. We published detailed reports on Uganda and Ukraine in the September and November newsletters, which you can read here. We have been asked to do something very similar in Cameroon next July, at a conference for up to five hundred priests and a general conference with tens of thousands to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the country’s Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
And, almost unbelievably, we have just completed taping twenty-six new programs of our weekly TV program, which is distributed by EWTN throughout the world and due to start airing in March of 2025. The programs currently are being edited in post-production—for our forty-first year of worldwide, uninterrupted proclamation and teaching through this wonderful means.
When a young University of Michigan television and media student walked into my office more than forty years ago and offered to help us launch a weekly television ministry, I never thought we’d still be at it forty years later. It is such a sign to me—and I hope to you as well—of the Lord’s grace and favor. (My new memoir, A Life in the Spirit, tells of this and many other amazing things that have happened over the years!)
Our ministries to high school young men and women reached more youth than ever before and have inspired several other parts of the country to initiate similar outreaches.
And our radio ministry continues apace. In 2024, Sr. Ann Shields’ Food for the Journey celebrated its thirtieth year, and in 2025, Peter’s Fire on the Earth will celebrate twenty years.
Perhaps our most currently impactful media effort is that of our YouTube channel, which has had more than nine-million views since its inception. You can see this year’s top five videos and our top-five videos of all time on page two of our December newsletter. Visit our YouTube channel to watch these videos and more!
Our close relationship with Sacred Heart Major Seminary continues! It was a real privilege and opportunity to teach the priests who come here from all over the world for our summer Licentiate in Sacred Theology program. I also am grateful for the opportunity to currently be teaching transitional deacons from seven different dioceses and religious orders who will be ordained as priests next spring.
Also, we recently completed our annual Renewal Ministries’ US Board of Directors meeting. I was again impressed—and grateful to God—for the excellent members of the board the Lord has given us. We are equally blessed with an outstanding group of individuals on our Canadian Catholic Renewal Ministries Board of Directors, which held its annual meeting early this month.
I feel like we are walking on water—that we, indeed, have launched out into the deep and are being held up by the grace of God working through you, our long-time and recent supporters.
Your help has been essential for all that has been accomplished so far and continues to be essential to walk through the open doors for 2025. Please consider a special end-of-the-year gift if you are at all able!
This article originally appeared in Renewal Ministries’ December 2024 newsletter.