Ralph Martin Blog Posts

Time to Lay it Down

Time to Lay it Down

The following post is condensed from a video on Renewal Ministries' YouTube channel. It is important to keep the big picture in mind as we make our way through troubling times. We must see the larger picture the Lord has prepared so that we can effectively cooperate...

A Letter from Ralph

A Letter from Ralph

It is good for us to remember that it is Satan who inspired mankind’s original turning from God and continues to inspire the human race’s rebellion against God. At the same time, remember, friends, that it is the love of Christ that will help us overcome Satan’s deceptions if we simply stay connected to Christ!

Reply to Dr. Larry Chapp

Reply to Dr. Larry Chapp

A friend recently sent me a lengthy essay that Dr. Larry Chapp, a retired professor of theology, posted on his blog, which was later shared on various Facebook accounts. As I read it, I must admit that it came across as a rather emotional and hostile reaction to a...

A Church in Crisis: Where Do We Stand?

A Church in Crisis: Where Do We Stand?

This article originally appeared in Renewal Ministries' June 2020 newsletter and is taken from Ralph Martin’s talk at the recent Renewal Ministries’ Gathering. You can view the entire talk here. People are deeply troubled right now by what’s happening in the world and...

Embracing the Three Disciplines of Lent

Embracing the Three Disciplines of Lent

Dear Faithful Friends, Can you believe it? Lent is here! I must admit, for most of my life I’ve had mixed feelings about Lent—understanding it was “good for me,” but not really looking forward to the self-denial. This Lent is a little different, because the Lord has...

Is There Any Hope for Me?

Millions are asking, sometimes in groans too deep for words, is there any hope for me? Will my life ever be a success? Will I ever find real love, or ever love others truly? Is there really, after all this disappointment, sorrow, and tragedy, any hope of everything...

A New Pentecost: Why Now?

Pope John XXIII implored the whole Church to pray in preparation for the Council, asking God to send us a “new Pentecost,” and Benedict XVI called for the whole Church to pray for a renewal of Baptism and confirmation and be “baptized in the Spirit.” For more than 40...

Personal Prayer—Being Present Is Essential

  Prayer is simply the name that has traditionally been given to communication, or conversation, with God—it is awareness of Him, consciously being present to Him, and Him being present to us. Most of the laws we discover in the development of our human...

Avoiding a Lukewarm Path

The following is an excerpt from Ralph Martin's newly re-released booklet, "What Happens When I Die?" This may come as something of a surprise, but Scripture indicates that lukewarm Christians have a chance of being damned. I was surprised, even shocked, when I...

The Fruit of Fasting

All of us are praying for people—for healing, for conversion, for a good job, for a good marriage, for financial provision, and many other intentions as well! In my own life, I’ve often noticed an acceleration in answered prayer for specific intentions when I’ve added...

Guide to Personal Prayer

Many spiritual writers, including the saints, offer suggestions concerning methods on prayer. Francis de Sales, very much influenced by his own experience of St. Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises, offers some suggested structures and formats for the practice of...

Growing in Freedom

[photo source] Everything that exists is a gift from God. Yet oftentimes we look to the things and creatures created by God for a satisfaction and fulfillment that only God Himself can provide. When the soul wraps itself around the things and the people of this world...

1977 Kansas City Prophecy

Prophecy given at Kansas City Charismatic Renewal Conference, 1977 | by Ralph Martin "Come before me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit for the body of my Son is broken. Come before me with tears and mourning for the body of my Son is broken. The light is dim,...

Habemus Papam!

Habemus Papam! Since the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope during the recent Conclave, I've received numerous inquires asking me what I think. Even though I do not know him personally, these first few days of Pope Francis' ministry certainly seem to...

Some Reflections on the Election Results

We've had a little time now to absorb the American election results and I know many of us are disappointed and tempted to discouragement. I know many of us tried to follow our Bishops' guidance and recognize that we can never vote to promote intrinsic evils such as...

Final Update from the Synod in Rome

The Synod ended yesterday with a beautiful closing Liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica that Pope Benedict XVI presided over. I was asked to announce the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary, in English, as the rosary was recited before Mass began, and do the first reading at...

Pope Benedict XVI honors Sr. Ann Shields

Dear Friends in Christ, We just learned that the Holy Father has awarded Sister Ann Shields the Benemerenti Medal in recognition for her service to the Church. News of the award was made by the Most Rev. Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, on the Diocese of Lansing...

Final Rome Update

Through a Providential series of events I was able to defend my doctoral dissertation the evening before we needed to leave Rome. Thanks be to God. The defense went well. Mission accomplished. Back in the US. More later! Thanks for your prayers and support. The...

Rome Update #2 by Ralph Martin

Rome Update #2: March 6, 2011  Dear Friends,  Well. I kept waiting for things to slow down and they didn’t and my good intentions of sending more frequent updates hasn’t worked out, but today there’s a chance to write something.  It has almost been a month since my...

Rome Update from Ralph Martin

Dear Friends,  Well, it’s been 10 days since we arrived in Rome and it’s time for a little news. Because of the snow storms on the East Coast, our fight into New York, where we were to get our fight to Rome, was cancelled. We were able to get another flight going...

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